
Every garden is different and every client is different, so every project is a fresh start. I start the process with you. I’ll visit your home to explore what you want to achieve, to see what you’ve already got, and study the garden as a whole.

Over the past 10 years I’ve built a great team and developed strong relationships with a wide range of experienced trades. So if we need extra expertise, I can sort all that for you.

Read more about this service here

I’ll guide you through the entire process, from site survey, developing the masterplan, selecting materials, and choosing the right contractors.

If you’re planning a renovation or extension, designing the garden before the builders start on site is strongly advised. A few hours of planning and design go a long way to ensuring you avoid common pitfalls.

Read more about Design here

This is my most popular service. I analyse your garden, and select plants which will thrive in the aspect and soil type. Next I create a bespoke plant list, then develop scale planting plans so the right plant is in the right place.

I source directly from trade nurseries, and set out the plants ready for planting, and I’ve gradually built a great planting team, all of whom share my passion for plants. 

Read more about Planting Plans here

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